29 August 2010

"Before the Morning"

My sister sent me this song because she said it made her think of us, and what our little family is going through right now. Anyone who has struggled through times that took you beyond the ends of yourself can relate, I'm sure. That's just about everyone, isn't it?

I trust there's a reason for all of this. I trust that the pain we feel now, the struggle we engage with now and all that it entails, is not in vain. I have confidence that God is going to use the life of this little one in a powerful way.

But when it hurts like it's been hurting lately, it just feels like pain. When it is ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER it feels impossible with impossible on top, served in a big steaming dish of impossible -- like there's no way we can wake up one more morning and face what we have to face.

There's a lot more I could say, but enough from me. Here's the song already:

Before the Morning
Josh Wilson

UPDATE: All my sister knew when she sent me this song was that Josh Wilson had written it for friends. Thanks to the heart moms out there for letting me know just HOW perfect a song this is. He wrote it for friends of his who had a baby with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (so of course, I've already sent this to Jill). Thanks to Joye for the link!

Here is the backstory:


Shay said...

what an amazing song...God does indeed have an amazing plan and purpose for your precious Ewan. I love you and am praying for you all. thanks for sharing this song, it ministered to me, too!

joye said...

This song is very special to me as well! What's even more amazing is that Josh Wilson wrote it for friends of his who had a baby with HLHS. You can see the "behind the story" here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1ZQKzzyaJI ...

Stefenie said...

This a great song with a great story behind it. You'll have to check out the link that Joye sent you above. Pretty amazing!

kirsten said...

WOW!! I'm pretty sure my sister had no idea just HOW perfect that song was when she sent it to me. Awesome story -- thanks for sending the link. :o)

Sarah said...

What a great song for you guys where you're at. And such a good story - I love listening to that daddy talk about his son!

Shannon said...

God has PERFECT timing, doesn't He? :) I've watched/listened to that song and the story behind it many times, always with and abundance of tears. I'm sure Josh Wilson had no idea how many people that song would touch so personally when he wrote it.

I'm praying for baby Ewan and you and James...praying the pain lessens and that you can soon get a glimpse of His plan for sweet Ewan!

HennHouse said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing. What an amazing song.