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Ewan @ 33 weeks (click on the pic for a larger view) |
Ewan and I are both measuring normally. At 33 weeks, his estimated weight is 4 lbs 9 oz (putting him in the 60th percentile) and my measurements are exactly on track again: measuring 33 cm at 33 weeks (if you recall, I was measuring 37 cm at 29 weeks, so this is definitely a positive development). Hoorah!! For the second appointment in a row, I lost a few pounds (2 lbs since my last visit, and the visit before that I had lost about 3 lbs). Not to worry however -- this still puts my net weight gain for this pregnancy at a healthy and respectable 31 lbs, which is in the healthy range of weight gain given my height and weight. I can assure everyone (and anyone who has seen me in person recently can attest): my appetite is VERY healthy!!
(And it's good for me that I am still weighing less than my husband. Wink, wink.)
Unfortunately, the doctor we saw yesterday was not our normal doctor (ours had torn her achilles tendon and was out of the office). This other doc ordered another ultrasound to measure my fluid levels next week. I was surprised, since the amniotic fluid was measuring within the normal range. She said "the higher end of the normal range" and James and I both agreed that given the other measurements being right on track, this is something our doctor would probably not be concerned about. This experience makes us even MORE thankful for Dr. J who has promised to be there for the delivery of this baby and who we will see again next week.
I was particularly thankful because this is the first positive ultrasound experience that we've had this whole pregnancy: the pictures we saw yesterday confirmed what we were seeing at 22 weeks: Ewan has no other abnormalities or deformities present -- his heart rate is healthy, he's kicking hard, his hands and feet and fingers and toes are all normal, his lungs and all his other organs look perfectly healthy.
We're so excited to meet him!!
In other news, we begin our birthing classes at the hospital today. We were really hoping to take some Bradley method (or other natural method) classes, but couldn't find anything that worked for our schedule. I've been doing a lot of reading about natural methods and am hoping that my stubborn, stoic Scandinavian constitution and high threshold for pain will see us through so we can have the unmedicated birth we want.
I can't believe how close we're getting ...
hooray hooray hooray.
I was too much of a chicken to take even a Tylenol so breathed my way natural each time.
do whatever you feel comfy with, but it's really over so quickly and I didn't want any interference before or after .
Yay! You know, I think you'll know what you need when you get there. I found that my body and I worked pretty well together, as long as I listened to it and didn't let the silly doctors get in the way ;) I'm excited for you!
You will be amazed at how high of a tolerance you have for pain. I had all three completely natural (other than pitocin for induction) and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I am so happy the appointment and everything went so well...that is great news.
You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.
That is awesome that you got good news during the ultrasound! I can only imagine your relief at seeing no other physical problems. I had a delivery with pitocin and an epidural and drugs, that ended in a c-section. Then, I had a delivery where I refused all drugs and had an incredible drug-free VBAC. You can do it, if it's what you really want. You will be surprised at how you can handle it!
YAHOO! I'm so happy you got some good news!!!
How wonderful to get some good news!
Yay! I'm so happy it was positive for you! Go Ewan! We're chearing you on!!!! Much love little boy! <3
That is great news!! Cheering for you guys! That is awesome too that you want to go natural - you can do it! My epidural didn't work but maybe an hour, then I had to push for two w/o anything. It's true when they say you forget about the pain =)
So glad for good news!! :)
YaY! Have you thought of getting a doula? They really help a woman that wants a natural birth through. And, many times they work on barter, or you can find one that needs another birth for free :) If you want more info, just track me down.
Great news! I am sure you will do fine but if you find that you need the drugs no one will think less of you. I had them with my first son but held off as long as I could with Logan. I eventually caved and had an epidural only to end up giving birth before it had a chance to kick in....so he ended up being a natural birth.
Fantastic news all around! Yay!!! Love you girl. Hope you have a good day!
So excited to hear good news. Keeping your boy in my thoughts.
Everything was put into print so eloquently! I especially like #4. It's hard to explain, but I have felt Blessed to be chosen to have such a special boy. This journey has taught me so much and made me appreciate things so much!
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