22 December 2010

Feeling the Love

If you're reading this, then this is for you. It is to say thank you.

For thinking of us, for loving us -- for sending us your cards, your e-mails, your remembrances. During a time when you have so many things going on and families of your own to tend to, thank you for sending us letters, cards, e-mails, or the things you have seen while about your own business that made you think of Ewan and that made you think of our hearts.

Thank you for caring. Thank you for not being afraid to ask how we are, to send us your Christmas cards, to share your joys with us. Thank you for being willing to hear our grief. Your generosity in listening and in caring is not lost on us.

Thank you for how you have sought to remember and honor Ewan in your own unique way, for using your passions and talents to offer a unique expression of what all of this has meant to you, for using those things to share your heart with us.

Thank you for holding a special place in your hearts for a little boy with a broken heart who, I believe, now watches over us all.

All of this love makes me think again of the tension that we hold, having lost so much and because of that loss, seeing a door opened to receiving so much as well. One does not cancel out or take away the other, but with the weight of grief heavy in one hand this year, it is good to hold the weight of so much love in the other hand to balance it out, lest we topple over.

There is so much more I want to say and when the time is right, I will. But this one is for you. I hope one day to reach out to you personally: to hug you, to call you, to write to you and let you know what it has meant to hear from you. Thank you for sending your love; we receive it gratefully, and with humble hearts.

Merry Christmas.