31 August 2011

The Belly Report :: 21 Weeks Pregnant

Well, don't we seem to be bumpin' right along? And hey ... wasn't it just yesterday or so that I posted the 20 week update?!

21 weeks pregnant
21 weeks and we be blooming!

In any case, we're doing great this week. I had my first official midwife appointment this past Monday and baby and I are both doing great!! I've gained about 15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, and my B/P was stellar (118/62, thankyouverymuch). Baby is measuring exactly how s/he should, is extremely responsive to outside stimuli (a positive sign), and has a heartbeat that is humming right along. I don't think we could ask for a better report.

In other news, this baby loves (and I mean loves) to kick, just like his/her older brother. Just yesterday morning, as my hand was innocently resting on my belly, it was kicked off (twice) and I saw evidence of some healthy and strong arms and legs forceful enough to let me see them poke out visibly from under my skin. The Baby-Gaga.com article for Week 21 talks about how I can probably feel those "fluttering little kicks." What is this about these "flutters"? Whose baby are they talking about? Certainly not mine! We're long past flutters and more into the everybody-was-kung-fu-fighting stage. 

In other news, the ultrasound has been scheduled. (Deep. Breath. Mama.) I said I wouldn't divulge specifics about the date and time of the appointment, but I will tell you that by this time next week, we will be able to tell you if baby Petermann is a boy or a girl, and (Lord willing) confirm for you that s/he is HEALTHY in all respects. I keep telling myself that I have nothing to worry about, but I know I won't completely rest easy on that point until we know one way or the other.

Sigh. I just can't wait until the waiting part is over and done with. We're going to keep growing and breathing (and practicing our high kicks, or whatever it is that's going on in there!), and trust that all will be well.

I guess that's it for now! I hope you all are having a great week. :o)

mama ewan (and mama "a" or "s" -- we'll know soon!!)